Thursday, May 15, 2008


Well I was 10 minutes late today for where I work, and was canned. Shed no tears for me, it was the best thing that could have happened! I was getting to the point that I couldn't stand working there. My fellow co-workers and bosses were fine, some even outstanding! But it was a go no where, do nothing company. They are being over run by a bigger company in competition, and don't want to do what it takes to even survive. So like so many others that work there, I was finally only there for the customers and secretly out looking for another job. I have three good prospects already!

The good part is I can now lose the fucking 50 lbs I gained working there, and I get to spend time with my wife and kids. Working from Noon-9pm was really messing with my family life, and the boss lady was hiring new folks and giving them better hours. Even though this blog is new, any readers probably picked up on the fact that I really hate injustice at any level!

So those that want to shed a tear, please do so for the poor souls still working there!

1 comment:

Dawtch said...

Awwwwwww Man! I'll miss ya! But I'm sure we'll keep in cyberspace contact! Good Luck in your job hunt!