Thursday, November 20, 2008

Attack of the Gays

Well we've all seen the news clips of gays attacking churches, people on the street, little old ladies, and just general mayhem.

If one reads open (I.E. not controlled by left or right) email lists and blogs, the gays seemed to have picked Christians as to blame for them not getting the right to civil unions.

Now why would the Christians vote against this? It doesn't actually effect Christian marriage. Divorce and pornography are more of a threat to a Christian marriage, then same sex unions are. Yet it seems the Christians are the ones that did vote against the gays. Why?

For decades, gays have been taking Christian churches and private businesses to court to force them to follow whatever gay agenda was at hand. Now what the gays didn't count on, as they took a Catholic here, a Baptist there, and a Fundamentalist over in the corner to court, was that all Christians would see this as an attack on them, even if they were not of the same denomination or no denomination. So when a vote came up to allow the gays something, the Christians said "no".

The irony in all of this is Christians believe that they are "in this world, but not of it". It is the one voting bloc that would normally have voted to allow gays civil unions.

So the gay community has no one to blame, but themselves and their actions, for the last few decades for the way the vote turned out.

Ironic note: One gay protester was on the news yelling for those against him to leave "his" city. Bad news is he was yelling this from the streets of San Francisco (name for Saint Francis of Assisi. A saint that gave up all worldly goods, literally even the clothes on his back, and human passions to be the best Christian he could). So I guess that gay man, better move to a different city, if he was to follow his own logic...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama’s Lincoln?

According to Newsweek article Obama and some of his staff now seem to be looking into Abraham Lincoln's history for clues on how to run things. One case in point, "The theme of Obama's Inauguration is taken from a line in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: 'A New Birth of Freedom.'"

Any follower of this blog already knows Obama is relying on history to run his campaign, and now his office. The truly interesting part is he ran his campaign using lessons from the NAZI party of pre-WWII Germany, and is now using Lincoln to run his office. Best we remember Lincoln had to deal with the only U.S. Civil war to date...

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Post Election Thoughts

Well Obama pulled it off with help from his main stream media friends, the Hollywood money machine, and a bunch of homeless folks in Indianapolis he almost forget to pay the day after, and told some "the check is in the mail"!

Yes some of this did take away from the glory that we have our first black president, but at least for me, Jesse Jackson's tears of happiness brought the 45 years I've been on this planet into sharp focus. For you younger readers, it was illegal for a black person and myself to use even the same water fountain when I was born.

That said, it is now time to keep an eye on the person that Obama is, and more importantly, but always forgotten, the people that surround him. Any good student of history will tell you, Hitler was all for recouping German pride lost in WW I, the Jews, Catholics and homosexuals where just convenient scapegoats for him to use. It was his friends (Reinhard Heydrich, "Himmler's evil genius" and of course the man behind the orders, Heinrich Himmler) that came up with the "Final Solution" to which Hitler agreed.

Though, I do not think Obama could pull off being another "Hitler" (no matter how much he and his friends parallel NAZI Germany) due to one thing that Hitler didn't have to deal with. Armed citizens, and by the look of the election map by US county, that "war" would be over in less than a week.

What have his friends done since Obama's win? The first thing they did was go after a Jewish senator and are trying to take his chairmanship (the real power in the Senate) away from him.

On his "change" Website for one day, yesterday, the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution had a pot shot taken at it, with a "required" community service plan of 50 hours for middle and high school students, and 100 hours for college students. That was change to "a plan for" today. Of course the irony of a bunch of white parents using the 13th Amendment on a black president would be worth any price to watch unfold!

Just as troubling is that Molson Coors stock closed at $42+ on Friday. Are the lemmings that voted for Obama waking up, realizing what they have done, and just want to pass the next 4 years in a guilt induced drunken haze?

Let's see what the next week holds!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Counting Obama's Head Lemmings

Here's the short list of lemmings...err I mean celebs, for Obama. If he wins in Nov, remember these folks wanted him there!

Jennifer Aniston
Robert De Niro
Chris Rock
Samuel L. Jackson
Scarlett Johansson
George Clooney
Ben Affleck (Black Eye Peas singer)
Ashton Kutcher
Demi Moore
Alicia Keys
Ed Norton
Will Smith
Rob Reiner
Laurence Fishburne
Matt Damon
Sharon Stone
Halle Berry
Jessica Biel
"Porkchop" Johnny Mellencamp
Danny Glover

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Religion has Killed More People than Anything Else?

"Religion has killed more people than anything else", has been tossed around as fact for decades now, but is it true?

Normally, this is pointed at Christians and Muslims, but even if one includes Pagans (Romans feeding Christians to lions and such), all totalled this doesn't even begin to compete with the up to 300 million killed by the Soviet Union (Atheist) or the countless millions killed by science (atomic bombs, poison gases, etc).

Just a thought for today.

Monday, September 29, 2008

"Comrade" Obama?

No need for me to ask what kind of "Change" might be coming, I think we can now see what Obama means by "Change". Can you say, "Comrade"?

Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement

JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.

“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.

“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.

“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.

“Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.”

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well it seems that one guy summed the Democrat controlled Emmy's, "Love TV, fear the Internet". That makes sense, since the Internet is the people's voice, and TV is an attempt at controlled brainwashing of the public.

So yes fear the Internet!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

History and Obama Part II

After my last post, something was picking at the back of my mind, and it came to me today. Obama wants to negotiate with terrorists (Iran).

History Time: Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister for Britain before Winston Churchill. Chamberlain signed the "Munich Agreement" on September 29, 1939 with Hitler. On September 30th he gave is infamous "Peace for Our Time" speech. By May 20th 1940, Germany was at the English Channel. Chamberlain had resigned 10 days earlier and luckily for Britain, and the world, Churchill took over.

Fast forward to today and we see a smooth talker that wants to negotiate with a country that wants to wipe Jews off the face of the planet.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Those Who Cannot Remember The Past, Are Condemned To Repeat It

While I am no fan of McCain, "Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it". George Santayana in "Reason in Common Sense" (Vol 1 of his "The Life of Reason") came to mind last night, with Obama, a Democrat, claiming victory in the 2008 Democrat Primary.

Well it seems Obama, a Democrat, is the young person's canidate. As I've spoken with some younger folks that want to vote for him. So since they mostly fall in the 18-26 year old category, here's a some facts they may want to think about before voting for a Democrat this Fall.

Fact: On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act was passed and then used by President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, during World War I.

Fact: The first (in US history) peacetime draft was The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, and used during World War ll by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat.

Fact: In 1948 the draft was re-instated by President Harry Truman, a Democrat, and was expanded via the Universal Military Training and Service Act in 1951,for the War in Korea.

Fact: US involvement in the Vietnam War was from 1959 to 1975, but it was in 1965 when troops where set in mass under President Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat, after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed in August 1964 allowing him to use the draft.

Fact: In 1980 the Selective Service registration was started up again by President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, and remains active till this very day.

I wonder if 18-26 year olds will want to vote for a Democrat after knowing these facts? Iraq may be an unpopular war, but so far no one has been drafted to go, maybe that's the change he keeps talking about?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Wow, finally got to see Indiana Jones IV. Now there is a one movie that should have never have been made! It was beyond horrible, Harrison Ford, seemed to be just reading his lines, Steven Spielberg's name is no longer synonymous with modern high end special effects, since they all were right out of the 1980's. The only part that saw a modern computer was close ups of Ford's face where it was obvious they had retouched it, but not the other parts in the scene behind him.

The plot, writing, timing, editing, were all off, and hodge-podge at best. In the three previous movies we could suspend disbelief a wee bit on how Indy would get out of a situation, but not this time! They didn't even try to give us a plausible reason for him staying alive through some of the stunts and situations.

The only good thing I can say about the movie, is the current trend of "fore head to lower neck" style of close up wasn't used. For those that don't know, this is used by lazy film makers. It allows for no background work or scene set up needing to be done, since the actor's head fills the screen.

Monday, May 26, 2008

2008 Indy 500

Another Indy 500 has come and gone. I was pulling for Vitor Meira to win, but 2nd isn't shabby!

Someone needs to tell Danika Patrick that this "aint white trash NASCAR", if she wants to act like that (going down pit row looking for a fight) she needs to go race somewhere else!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Techie Thoughts

I haven’t checked the news too much today, since it’s all about Kennedy and his tumor.

So here are a few “Techie” thoughts.

Windows Vista rocks! No really, it does! So far all the complaints against it have been by low end users and the technically challenged. If you know what you’re doing, it really does blow XP out of the water!

The one weird quirk is IE 7 fails on many fronts where as Firefox is great on Vista, go figure!

Now for the shocker! Yahoo search has been blowing Google out of the water for past week or so! It would seem Google has forgotten that it is a search engine, and Yahoo, after many years of dormancy, has woken up!

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Must See

Here is the major problem in the USA today. This lasts for about 80+ minutes. It's called "Maxed Out" and can be seen on Showtime on Demand this month (under all movies).

Of course it has a Leftist lean to it (read anti-Bush), but it does show the Democrats have an equal hand in this too.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Well I was 10 minutes late today for where I work, and was canned. Shed no tears for me, it was the best thing that could have happened! I was getting to the point that I couldn't stand working there. My fellow co-workers and bosses were fine, some even outstanding! But it was a go no where, do nothing company. They are being over run by a bigger company in competition, and don't want to do what it takes to even survive. So like so many others that work there, I was finally only there for the customers and secretly out looking for another job. I have three good prospects already!

The good part is I can now lose the fucking 50 lbs I gained working there, and I get to spend time with my wife and kids. Working from Noon-9pm was really messing with my family life, and the boss lady was hiring new folks and giving them better hours. Even though this blog is new, any readers probably picked up on the fact that I really hate injustice at any level!

So those that want to shed a tear, please do so for the poor souls still working there!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Um Not?

So XP SP3 and Vista SP1 are finally out. Having one Vista box and numerous XP boxes to update, I downloaded the full SP3 in ISO file format for burning to CD for all the XP machines. This of course lead me on a hunt for an ISO burner since Vista doesn't come with one. That's when I found this. Sounds great; a free CD/DVD burner software, until I read one of their other freeware offerings was, "Subliminal Blaster" Here's what some of that page says, "However the subconscious mind absorbs EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE... and uses each one to change your thought patterns, your behaviours, even your body!"

I decided against getting the their burner freeware, since I have no idea if it would be telling me to send them $50 each month!

(BTW, for those that don't know, subliminal messaging doesn't actually work.)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

More Bad Cops

Here we go again with cops using their job, adrenaline, and such as an excuse for beating civilians. So if these cops get off with this, does that mean the rest of us can say we were stressed at our jobs and go forth and commit crimes of violence against others? Of course not. So if cops can't control themselves, they need to find another job! These cops need to face the same laws the rest of us face. It is time we stop thinking of cops as some sort of special elite class that do not have to answer to the same laws the rest of us do.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Too Busy

Too Busy to post in the past few days, setting up a new 'puter and all, but things should get back to normal in the next day or so.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mom Arrested After 32 Years on the Lam

Here we have the USA at it's finest! If we are not burning men, women and children to their deaths, in small Texas towns, or doing KGB style midnight raids into closets to grab children, we going after citizens that have proven themselves with over 30+ years of clean living!

Here is just a snip of that story, click on it for the rest.

He described his wife as a woman of honorable character who had devoted her life to protecting her family's well-being.
"Our family is threatened to be destroyed by something that happened to her as a 19-year-old teenager 34 years ago in Michigan," Walsh said.

After you read the story, you have to ask yourself why is the government bothering? Aren't there enough harden criminals they could be spending their time looking for?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Pro Choice?

Just a thought for today.

How come those that say they are pro choice are against prostitution and in home recreational drug use? After all isn't their motto, "It's my body and I can do what I want to with it"?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Humans Cause Global Warming?

It seems that each day we hear of another scientist that distances themselves from the whole "humans cause global warming" theory. Here seems to be a good site to get the other side of the story, by a scientist.

My take on the whole thing, is this is a natural occurrence (the Sun naturally going through it's cycles, seems to be the best explanation), and just like a tornado, or hurricane, there is nothing we can do about it. The Dems and other Libs have jumped on this and made it their "pet" project to thwart 3rd world countries from developing. Once the GOP and other Cons saw this logic, of course they jumped on the bandwagon.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The World is Going to Hell in a Hand Basket, Well at Least the USA is

Now before you dismiss this as just an other anti-American blog, it isn't. I have sworn an oath to defend the US Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic, and I actually meant it when I swore that oath. The true reason for this blog is to try to undo the mind fucking the general US citizen is currently under with logic and humor. There will also be the trivial posting, maybe even a personal rant or praise here and there.

I am neither conservative or liberal. I am a true moderate (not just a Con or Lib saying they are). What color my skin is, what nationality my grandparents were, or other sociological grouping that I am, is not important. These are labels segments of society uses to mind fuck each other and themselves.