Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Techie Thoughts

I haven’t checked the news too much today, since it’s all about Kennedy and his tumor.

So here are a few “Techie” thoughts.

Windows Vista rocks! No really, it does! So far all the complaints against it have been by low end users and the technically challenged. If you know what you’re doing, it really does blow XP out of the water!

The one weird quirk is IE 7 fails on many fronts where as Firefox is great on Vista, go figure!

Now for the shocker! Yahoo search has been blowing Google out of the water for past week or so! It would seem Google has forgotten that it is a search engine, and Yahoo, after many years of dormancy, has woken up!

1 comment:

Dawtch said...

I never have been able to get decent resultd from yahoo as a search engine. I used to love Lycos, many, many moons ago, but they went and changed, and now Google is my fav. Did you know they offer a free directory assistance..? If I call Sprint's 411 from my cell, they charge me like 2 bucks. I can call this number and only uses a minute or two if during reg hours, and nada during night/weekend. You can be connected directly to the number or have it texted to you (normal text rates apply, of course)
The number is 1-800-466-4411. It says the calls are recorded, but who cares (unless you're doing sumptin you shouldn't...)