Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Those Who Cannot Remember The Past, Are Condemned To Repeat It

While I am no fan of McCain, "Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it". George Santayana in "Reason in Common Sense" (Vol 1 of his "The Life of Reason") came to mind last night, with Obama, a Democrat, claiming victory in the 2008 Democrat Primary.

Well it seems Obama, a Democrat, is the young person's canidate. As I've spoken with some younger folks that want to vote for him. So since they mostly fall in the 18-26 year old category, here's a some facts they may want to think about before voting for a Democrat this Fall.

Fact: On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act was passed and then used by President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, during World War I.

Fact: The first (in US history) peacetime draft was The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, and used during World War ll by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat.

Fact: In 1948 the draft was re-instated by President Harry Truman, a Democrat, and was expanded via the Universal Military Training and Service Act in 1951,for the War in Korea.

Fact: US involvement in the Vietnam War was from 1959 to 1975, but it was in 1965 when troops where set in mass under President Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat, after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed in August 1964 allowing him to use the draft.

Fact: In 1980 the Selective Service registration was started up again by President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, and remains active till this very day.

I wonder if 18-26 year olds will want to vote for a Democrat after knowing these facts? Iraq may be an unpopular war, but so far no one has been drafted to go, maybe that's the change he keeps talking about?

1 comment:

Dawtch said...

Whatever...and I no longer qualify for "18-26"...haven't for quite some time now...